October 23 2020 |

Transitioning From LIBOR In North America: The End of the LIBOR Era Is Not SOFR Away

The era of the London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR"), the world's most referenced benchmark for short-term interest rates, is scheduled to end by 2022

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October 21 2020 |

PayPal Launching New Service Enabling Cryptocurrency Payments

On October 21, 2020, PayPal Holdings, Inc. (“PayPal”) announced the launch of a new service enabling its customers to buy, hold and sell cryptocurrency directly within their PayPal account.

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March 31 2020 |

Leasing FAQ's For Commercial Landlords

For commercial landlords and tenants, COVID-19 presents unprecedented challenges. To assist, Kamil Umar, Partner of Bishop & McKenzie LLP's Commercial Leasing group, has authored a COVID-19 Commercial Leasing FAQs sheet to answer your pressing legal questions.

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March 26 2020 |

COVID-19 Employer Information Update #3

As the situation with COVID-19 continues to unfold in Alberta and around the world, businesses are coming to grips with the reality that this situation will likely continue for longer than originally anticipated, and with much more broadly reaching effects.  We are continuing to do our best to stay abreast of the latest developments so that we can assist our clients to navigate these increasingly difficult times.

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March 20 2020 |

COVID-19 Employer Information Update #2

As the public health crisis in relation to COVID-19 continues to unfold, Alberta companies are facing even more difficult decisions regarding social distancing, remote work arrangements, layoffs and even terminations.

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March 18 2020 |

COVID-19 Employer Information Update

We know that your business is dealing with a lot of uncertainty and anxiety right now considering COVID-19, and its effects on your operations and employees. We are hearing from many clients who are anxiously trying to balance the safety and security of their employees with the needs of their business now and into the future.

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